Thursday 26 November 2009

Gnomes riding cars

This excerpt is taken from Fortean Times. I wanted to share it as it's a great unusual story and it made me smile. It also illustrates that reality is a fragile thing in many ways.

On the 29th October, 1979 ' ... several 10-year-old schoolchildren saw 60 or so "Noddy-like" bearded gnomes riding cars around Nottingham's Wollaton Park. The entities wore colourful clothes and were "laughing strangely". Two of the boys fell into a "swamp" in a panic when they thought some other gnomes dropped out of trees onto them. Their headmaster gathered their accounts and was IMPressed' (sorry, my capitals, couldnt resist the joke) ' at their sincerity. The case was followed up for us by Nigel Watson. We found the local UFO group's remarks most amusing. Nigel had written to them asking for more info, and their spokesman replied without any sense of irony: " We do not investigate figments of people's imaginations, only UFO reports".'


A classic. You can check out Fortean Times online presence Here

Chromatouch Visuals

Chromatouch is a guy called Leon Trimble. He is a video artist VJ and AV performer from Birmingham, England and has a weekly radio show, STRAX, on Rhubarb radio playing soundtrack vibes and assorted musical soundscapes. You can find more info about ongoing projects here

Wednesday 25 November 2009

World of Hurt - Sub Focus

Next we have ' world of hurt' off sub focus' self titled debut album for you drum and bass lovers....CHOOOOON

click here

Lovecraftseye online !

' Is this a test, It has to be, Otherwise i can't go on ' - Tool

Wellcome one and all.