Monday 7 November 2011

TMA01 Fiction Piece for A215 Creative Writing

The Old House Convention

I stand outside the ruins of the old house, a place that can no longer be considered a place. It’s shunned appearance causes blindness in the people that pass it every day. To them, it simply doesn’t exist anymore. The house’s other siblings, standing proud, loved and secure on the street beside it, ostracized it long ago and mock with their unbroken windows, jeer with their happy occupants and bully with their bright bricks. Alone it not so much stands but stoops as if waiting for time to take pity and ally with nature to finally sink it into the ground. Its blackened interior holds more secrets than the pyramids. Its graffited walls displaying the lives of many souls, of vagrants, of junkies and of thrill seekers in a diary of destitution. I hear a group of kids behind me and look back to see one throw a stone, smashing what little glass is left of what were once windows but are now hollow eyes staring blankly into the world beyond. I walk into the house as sprinkles of shattered gems fall like tears of sorrow and am greeted by the wind whispering a lament throughout the gloomy interior.
            This is my home, my sanctuary, a free house that greets you with melancholic open arms. I slink past used needles deadly in their potential danger. I sail through an ocean of empty aluminium vessels that once gave the drinkers the promise of hope, unaware they had left what little hope they had at the door. My nose flares at the scent of subtle suicide. There is poison in the air and it is holy in its omnipotence. My cathedral of catharsis cleansing with tired tragedy as I stop to purify my feet. I walk the steep stairs, a stairway to heaven or hell? It’s only a matter of shifting perception as my keen senses soak up midnights mire. I move silently, a ghost in the gloom. The hairs on my body twitch as I sense the others somewhere above, waiting for me. I pause at the top and look out into the darkness, a master of all I survey, and in my reverie I am taken back to another time.
            I was very young when this house had a purer soul, before the accident that had robbed it of a life worth living. I remember the day it happened. The sun shone high in the sky, clothing us in blankets of warmth as my brothers and I played outside. My mother was off doing her daily rounds checking defences and boundaries. We became hungry after a while and went to the kitchen to see if we could find something to eat. It was noisy and busy. The scent of a roast permeated the air as the kitchen staff was hurriedly getting ready for a celebration. The house was full of people so we had to continuously dodge feet in case we were stepped on, this game was always accompanied by the angry shouts from the cooks and waitresses as they in turn avoided tripping over us and dropping food. This we eventually succeeded in doing and raced away into secret spaces to devour our bounty. There was no way of knowing how it happened. I only remember the sickly smell then a flash of an explosion, flames, screams and pandemonium. My brothers darted in every direction and out of sight. I was about to run after them when another explosion knocked me unconscious....
I gave a kind of whimper as the memory faded and I was left on top of the stairs again. A lot of people died that day, my brothers included, and this house has been a scorched curse on the earth ever since. My mother was never found and I never left, a constant caretaker of an endless moment in time. I hear meows and screeches of my fellow creatures coming from the room behind me and I shake my head. They are getting restless. I turn and catch a glimpse of my short black fur in a piece of broken mirror, faintly iridescent in the moonlight. One good eye reflects back a solitary firefly in the dim light, my whiskers long. I have chaired these nocturnal gatherings for many years and as I walk into the room I am greeted with the reverence of a priest. After the gentle butt of heads and noses a circle of the neighbourhood cats surround me. Let the meeting begin......


  1. I found my way here through the cafe - just trying to set up my own blog and looking for inspiration. Like the TMA. Some good imagery and certainly kept my attention all the way through.
